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Tom Hamilton

Tom Hamilton

Waitrose venison sausages







































For all other products, please contact the manufacturer.This may affect nutrition and allergen information therefore you should always check product labels and not rely solely on the information presented here.It may not be reproduced in any way whatsoever without the prior consent of Waitrose Limited nor without due acknowledgement.This information is supplied for personal use only.If you require specific advice on any Waitrose branded product, please contact our Customer Care Team EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Waitrose and Partners

About our Veal, Venison and Speciality Meats

From which we sell products including escalopes, diced and ground veal, chops and a veal roasting joint.The deer are transported in line with legal requirements on journey times and number of animals.Our venison comes from red deer aged 12-27 months, which are reared on British and New Zealand farms.It naturally contains just enough fat to keep the meat moist and juicy as it cooks.As well as beef, lamb and pork, our meat range includes tender veal, plus venison and other game.To learn more about how we use the cookies, please see our cookies policy.You are free to manage this via your browser setting at any time.On arrival, they're inspected, given fresh water and allowed to rest in small, familiar groups. Raised naturally, with minimal interference, the deer thrive on a grass-based diet, producing tender, well-flavoured meat. Waitrose Sausages with Venison & Tripe.

Waitrose and Partners

1 out of 5 stars ( 278 ) 0 in trolley Quantity of Waitrose 6 Gourmet Pork Sausages in trolley 0 0 in trolley.And it's why we are the only supermarket to guarantee that all our fresh milk and cream is from British cows that enjoy grazing in fields for at least 120 days a year Find out more Waitrose 6 Gourmet Pork Sausages 400g 400g Add 2 for ?5 4.Our farmers work hard to give their animals a happy life Waitrose.

6t6t.131.521Place the sausages on a baking tray and cook for 20-25 minutes, until thoroughly cooked, turning halfway through the cooking time.To learn more about how we use the cookies, please see our cookies policy.To defrost, remove from the original packaging and place on a plate or tray and cover.You are free to manage this via your browser setting at any time.Cook the sausages gently in the oil for 10-12 minutes, until thoroughly cooked, turning frequently.Cooking times will vary according to the type of sausage but all sausages should be cooked thoroughly until the juices run clear when pierced with a fork and there is no pink meat.They are lightly seasoned with white pepper, nutmeg and ginger.To learn more about how we use the cookies, please see our cookies policy.To grill sausages, preheat the grill to medium, place the sausages on the grill pan and cook for 6-12 minutes, until thoroughly cooked, turning every few minutes.Never re-freeze raw sausages that have been frozen and then thawed.To freeze, freeze on the day of purchase for up to 1 month.

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Waitrose 8 Venison & Tripe Sausage Dog Treats

There are a wide range of sausages available.A sausage is food made from ground meat and often salt, herbs and spices

At Waitrose we're dedicated to providing you with speciality meats from trusted suppliers with high standards of animal welfare and quality.



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